How do I apply for Flexible Tuition?
You can apply online
Does my income have to fall under a certain level for my family to qualify for Flexible Tuition?
No. Since many other factors including number of children, assets, and liabilities go into the Flexible Tuition calculation, there is no one specific income level that can clearly represent a cut-off for every family.
How is my level of need determined?
Each year, the Flexible Tuition Committee makes its decisions after careful review of the Clarity application, current IRS forms, supporting schedules, and other pertinent information. To determine each family’s degree of need, the Flexible Tuition Committee uses the forms and procedures established by Clarity. Income, assets, expenses, number of dependents, and other special circumstances are taken into account in the process. In the case of divorce or separation, the school requests financial information from both parents. While a family may demonstrate a given level of need, the school does not promise to meet 100% of that need, therefore Flexible Tuition represents what AC can offer, not necessarily what a family may ask for or qualify for. Strict confidence is expected on the part of all families and a breach of confidentiality can jeopardize Flexible Tuition offers in the future.
Will I have to pay a deposit?
Yes. We ask parents to return a Flexible Tuition agreement with the re-enrollment contract and a small deposit indicating a plan to return the following fall. In keeping with the National Association of Independent Schools Principles of Good Practice for financial aid administration, Allendale Columbia School does not require a full financial commitment until a family has had the opportunity to review our Flexible Tuition offer. A “fully informed enrollment decision” sets our standard for fairness to all families.
Will a Flexible Tuition application affect the admissions process?
No. Admission applications and Flexible Tuition applications are reviewed separately, and submitting an application for Flexible Tuition has no bearing on admissibility.
What is the purpose of the Flexible Tuition program?
Allendale Columbia School is committed to providing access to an independent school education for all families, and we believe students learn best in communities with peers who come from a wide variety of backgrounds.
With Flexible Tuition, our need-based assistance program, families who qualify are able to pay tuition based on their unique circumstances.
Will I be eligible in my income bracket?
The only way to answer this question is to complete the confidential Flexible Tuition application process. Since many other factors including number of children, assets, and debts go into the financial aid process, there is no one specific income level that can clearly represent a cut-off for every family.
What are the factors other than income that are considered?
Other factors included in the determination of financial need include number of dependents, underemployed spouses, divorce and child support agreements, investments, student loans, business ownership statements, housing equity, and discretionary spending choices.
Will I have to apply for Flexible Tuition each year?
Families who qualify for Flexible Tuition can expect to receive a similar range of funding each year, if their financial circumstances remain the same.
Families must reapply for Flexible Tuition each year and meet all stated deadlines. If the current financial picture for a family changes significantly, the level of Flexible Tuition will be adjusted accordingly to reflect the new amount of demonstrated need.
Are there costs in addition to the tuition that I will have to pay?
Yes, there are a few additional costs that may come up, but they usually include things like AP test registration, SAT registration, and perhaps rare or specific field trips. This year books and lunch are included in the tuition as are many other parts of school life.
Does everyone pay something toward tuition?
Yes. All families pay some part of their tuition.